Sunday, August 20, 2006


gatekeeper © Laura Kicey

I've been wanting to explore the area more. So today I picked a direction and drove. And drove. Until I realized I was in Warrington. AGAIN. When I lived with my family in Lancaster and we would end up getting lost, we always ended up going to Harrisburg. Apparently when one gets lost out this way, all roads lead to Warrington.

So I picked a new direction once I recovered myself from the Warrington Vortex for the second time this weekend and stumbled upon the nearby gem that is North Wales. One of the few walkable towns around, in the few blocks I circled around in my car, I saw a goodly amount of things that needed further investigation. Including an unmarked warehouse that had large painted wood cutouts of Gibson Girls. A little bit of 70s industrial, a little bit of decay... strokes chin, nods knowingly....

Why didn't I get out of the car? Finding a street wide enough to park on was a little tricky... I'll work on it.


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