Tuesday, November 01, 2005


For some reason, it feels like the beginning of a new year. Today. If, directed by some pagan calendar, it is, I have started off on the wrong foot entirely. Literally. On my way home I slid off the edge of the pavement and twisted my ankle. While not devastating, I am hobbling, with zest, this evening. I was subpoenaed and have to go to court on Thursday... repercussions from being robbed at gunpoint almost three weeks ago. Subpoena. What a great word! What a dismal feeling. I've never been to court, not even for so much as a ticket. I have no idea what to expect. I imagine my desire to beat the crap out of something will linger.

choking hazard
choking hazard © Laura Kicey

Instead of being celebratory, I am doing laundry. Meanwhile, I make my halloweenly image, a mascara scare, me vs. magic wand, break up and make up, etc. Most esteemed guest, Ms. K will be visiting me this weekend, and the clean must be unearthed. Speaking of the weekend, I am back up to bat:



first saturday of november in old city, philadelphia.

sounds from mezone via mexico and hiroshi via japan we also have a special guest disc jockey transplanted from new orleans to philadelphia, kazu!

evenings filled with visual stimulants from aside and dragonballyee....also special viewing of spatial k's visit to san fran and helveticaneue's autumn set.

projections by ahhdios comida....

skinner's dry goods
226 Market in old city, philadelphia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to ask....was the right eye photoshoppery, or some kind of lens?

10:51 AM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger helveticaneue said...

photoshoppery! putting things in my eye grosses me out...

10:52 AM, November 01, 2005  

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